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About Me,

my business and my story! Supporting you on your journey of inner power and spiritual growth. 


About Me

Get to know me and my story over the years. How I'd like to support you on your own spiritual journey of growth.


I am Laura...

... and I am a certified Shamanic Healer, Practitioner and an Intuitive Psychic. I am also the founder of my brand Shamanic Self (formerly: Pleiadian Healer) - home of shamanic healing and healing for the soul.  Since 2017 I have been working with clients, giving potent Shamanic Healing sessions and intuitive psychic mediumship readings. 


My focus not only lies on helping others through sessions, but I also teach.  I show you how you can become your own shaman and healer. Learn more about it in my best-selling course Be Your Own Shaman - to date the most sold courses of all. 


I also teach how you can become more in touch with your intuition, access your psychic gifts and empower yourself with your own inner knowing. More information in my Soul Communication Course. 


I help people find their way back to themselves, their inner light and innate divinity. I also activate them to wake up from the matrix deceptions around us and empower them to become the creator beings of their own reality. 


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We all know what it is like to be deceived...

Some of us on a grander scheme than others. The wake-up call I received when exiting the New Age was one of those moments for me. I was forced to go deeper and find a spiritual truth innate to me (and which is within all of us). This is my story and this is why I do what I do. This is why I call prominent gurus of the New Age movement out on my channels, too. The damage the movement has done to many people is grand and it stretches across many spectrums. 


In 2014 I had my first "awakening" - or "an" awakening. I became fascinated by Eckhart Tolle's book "The Power of Now, the Dolores Cannon "Convoluted Earth" book series and many, many false hope stories along the way. I dedicated myself to all New Age concepts, such as chakras, aliens, increasing the vibration into 5D or above, a diversity of "Starseed Origins" and more. I felt special and unique for being a "Volunteer" or perhaps one of the chosen "144,000 light or rainbow warriors" meant to awaken Earth and ascend the collective into the false hope reality of New Earth, the 5th dimension and all the other dangerous narratives, which the New Age and other cult programs alike teach to the ones who are first opening up their minds to think outside of the mainstream news box. 

My Story

2017 and on...

Then, in 2017 I had yet another false awakening - or rather dipped further down the rabbit hole, during which I gave my power away almost continuously. I had x amount of readings by prominent New Age gurus and now leaders in this movement. Some of which are slaves to the Galactic Federation of Evilness and other handlers that keep their body, mind and soul entrapped. Some of these readings came partially true, others misled me to such a degree that I found myself confused, impoverished and mentally just-not-the-same at the end of a lifechanging trip on the other side of the world. It took a lot of willpower and discernment to see that the life I had led for almost 5 years was mostly a lie. Before this, I was experiencing one false high after another. 

Especially when channeling what I then thought were spirit guides or what I now call spirit misguides, ETs, astral entities and dubious other beings in the astral, which tend to latch onto us once we open ourselves up to astral projection, channeling and other New Age methods. 


During the same year of 2017, I also founded Pleiadian Healer - a spiritual and holistic business (now: Shamanic Self), which was meant to focus on Crystal Healing only. However, shortly after I was initiated in Reiki Level I and II - and was severely attacked by my then-partner, my former friends and other people standing close to me. Little did I know that the Reiki symbols can call in Reptilian energy, which is meant to destroy your life and ruin your energy field for a long time. 

The year after I discovered something I really resonated with...

...and I added Shamanic Healing to my repertoire. You can find the full video on how I got started here. While most of my Shamanic teachers were very much in the same programs most New Agers are, some methods have continued to be quite useful, especially when it comes to entity and AI attachment removals, soul recalls and retrievals and more.


After the initial learning phase and my experience with the New Age going so awry, I learned how to teach myself most of the methods I now apply during my healings, including the Shamanic healings and DNA healing sessions, which have proven very useful and also life-changing when it comes to working with the damage the most recent Con-vid vaccines have caused. I also go deep into the concept of soul entrapments, EMF pollution, entity attachments and many more cases. 

The Turning Point & Shamanism...

Creating Shamanic Self...

After more than 6 long years under my old brand name Pleiadian Healer, it was time for a change. The former name was created when I myself was still going through lots of life and spiritual changes. Over time this name did not accurately reflect what my message is really about. Instead it was causing more confusion and friction when trying to get the message out there to a wider audience. 


Shamanic Self was therefore birthed and created in October 2023. It enforces my mission more than the old name ever could. Nothing has changed about my message and purpose from the past few years other than that: Finding your own inner truth and intuition - without any third party entity or confusion.

How I got started with my Shamanic Training...


I have virtually gone through hell and back after waking up from the New Age Trap and I cover a lot of these deceptions on my Youtube Channel (full playlist on it here). I am here to tell you that you certainly do NOT have to make the same mistakes I and many others have made. You are allowed to learn from other people's mistakes and move on to what is more relevant.


I now cover topics on how our soul was trapped here on Earth (no, we did not volunteer to come here), how these entities called angels, spirit guides, archangels and more mislead us, how we can self-empower us and what the matrix overlay all around us looks like. The AI that was created in Atlantis and in different realities is exactly what we are dealing with right now and part of everything we see around us. The illusions, the hopium, our lives, this virtual reality. It is about time to wake ourselves up from the deep slumber we find ourselves in and take back our power.

Many of my courses teach just that - how to be your own Shaman and healer, how to manifest the life you desire and deserve, how to self-empower yourself, how to rid your home of negative entities and energy, how to communicate with your own inner knowing and soul and so much more. Take a look here. 


Subscribe to my newsletter if you haven't yet.  I send out special offers, advice and happenings about twice a month, some of which never make it to my social media accounts. 


I thank each and everyone of you for finding your way here - no matter what the reason. All of you have helped in co-creating this reality, in which we currently find ourselves in. And I strongly believe we have the power to create heaven on Earth together or to at least dig through the matrix deceptions thrown at us - TOGETHER! 


In deep gratitude, 



(Founder of Shamanic Self)

Supporting you on your journey of inner power and spiritual growth.

Experience & Certifications: 
  • Shamanic Reiki Master with Shamanic Reiki Worldwide (New York)

  • Reiki Level I and II / Usui Tibetan (Brooklyn, NY) 

  • Certified Crystal Healer with Sacred Healing NY


Self-taught in: 

Advanced Shamanic healing, AI removals, entity releases, soul rescues, AI grid overlay removals and everything else! 




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect here.

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