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Pleiadian Healer

How Your Life Is a Video Game and You Are the Creator of Your Own Reality

Imagine that everything that is around you now is something you have at one point created yourself. Imagine that you made pre-destined contracts with reincarnated souls, your spirit guides, your team of light, your soulmates, your twin flames, your Starseed family – pretty much anyone of importance, before you entered your virtual reality and self-created life. When the veil was not up yet, you had a clear vision of what you wanted to accomplish in this lifetime. Be it goals, karma, energetic finetunements, advancements of any sort – you had a blueprint laid out and you were determined to get things done according to it.

You took a good look at all the previous lifetimes you had before, be it earth-bound or non-earth-bound. You were judging yourself very honestly on how much you really accomplished in all of these lifetimes. You came into this life now to get things done. You “hired” so-called guides to lead you on your path and help you out in case you at any point would forget your mission or purpose. This advice would come to you in form of either people crossing your path at the right time, signs catching your eye or other random circumstances, which you would not recognize as signs as the physical being you were but which would shake you to the core or give you a feeling of resonance to some degree. The experiences you chose would all have the same purpose: For you to grow and ascend to the next level. Much like crushing that mushroom in a Super Mario game (which you might still remember). Something as simple as you looking up and discovering a soulmate when the subway doors are closing on you or your salt and pepper shaker falling to the ground and breaking – these are all signs of equal importance and coming from the same source with a similar purpose: For you to awaken and re-evaluate your current situation.