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Laura from Shamanic Self

Are You A Pleiadian Starseed? Find Out More!

Your Starseed Origins: The Pleiadians! All about the nine stars origins and the traits of these different star beings. My new video is out featuring an in-depth analysis of the nine different stars of the Pleiades and which one might resonate with you.

Are you a Merope Pleiadian or does your soul feel more of a connection to Taygeta? Have you perhaps experienced previous incarnations on the Asterope Star or is Atlas your jam? What exactly does it mean to be a Maia Pleiadian and what are some of the traits you might identify with?

The nine main stars of the Pleiades are:

  • Pleione

  • Atlas

  • Alcyone

  • Asterope

  • Maia

  • Taygeta

  • Celaeno

  • Electra

  • Merope

Of course you can find more, such as the Tauri star and others. But did you know that each star has a different trait, which Pleiadian Starseeds may embody?