When ghosts first started coming through I was 19 years old. I was dating a guy in Mannheim/ Germany. His apartment was brand new, but the person who had lived there before him had died a violent death. It wasn’t until months later that he confessed to me that the dead person’s body had been laid out in chalk when he first came to look at the place. I was having the worst of nightmares and odd feelings in his apartment. We ended up breaking up soon after. This must have been one of the first of many times a spirit was seeking communication with me and when I became aware of it.
Throughout the past decade of sleeping and staying all over Europe and the US, be it in hotels, motels or Airbnbs, I’ve had my fair share of ghost encounters. From staying at a haunted place in Portland, Oregon with a violent male ghost to being woken up every hour by three annoying spirits in Salem, Massachusetts – I could probably write half a book on my ghostly encounters, but I want to spare you the details for now. I’ll save it for when I am famous and have more time.