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How To Process This Past Year...

As we are closing out a quite eventful and for some hard year of 2023, I wanted to send this reminder that it is important to process what the past year was about. In order to start anew and begin 2024 on a clean slate, we need to be at peace with what the past 365 days have been about. There are a lot of exercises and techniques floating around online on how to process this past year in order to welcome in the new one. The one below is mine and it is done in 7 simple steps.

Here is a fun exercise to do:

  1. Set the mood: Light a candle, dim the lights, put on your favorite music or be in silence. 

  2. Take a pen and paper.

  3. Write down a few paragraphs, keywords, or summaries of each month in 2023.

  4. See how each month has made you feel. Did you go through a low, did you experience joy, did you face challenges? 

  5. Make peace with each lesson, challenge, experience you had in each month.

  6. Wave goodbye to 2023 and welcome in the new energies of 2024: A brandnew year with brandnew opportunities. 

  7. Destroy the paper or leave it for future reference to see how far you've come.


Clearing energy from your social media profiles:

It is also equally important to cut all ties, cords, and attachments to social media profiles. Here is a simple phrase you can use:

"I cancel, clear and delete any energies I've picked up consciously or subconsciously through my social media profiles. I revoke any energetic permissions/consent/agreements I've ever entered into subconsciously on any web platforms. I cut all energetic attachments and free myself from anything that is negatively affecting me energetically, mentally and emotionally. I seal all negative portals that exist within the extension of my energy field across all web platforms, across all timelines, past, present and future."

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers potent Shamanic Healing sessions, combining a multitude of healing techniques. She also provides readings and offers her intuitive psychic insight in her sessions.

Interested in learning these things on your own? Her courses teach how to tap into your own intuition, how to become your own shaman and how to help others and more! Have a look here.

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