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Laura from Shamanic Self

How To Protect Your Energy During the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal!

What can you do during the Lion's Gate Portal to protect your energy? This article will discuss a few energy methods, which you can easily apply on your own.

It is that time of year - AGAIN! My virtual e-mail inbox has been flooded all this past week with "spiritual" newsletters à la:  "Harness the powerful energies of the Lionsgate Portal..." "How to manifest with the 8-8 Portal..." "How to raise your vibration during August 8th..." (as if this were the only time) ...and other New Age jargon and attention-grabbing words, which are really just distractions and getting us nowhere. I recently published another article with the real meaning behind the lion symbol and the Lion's Gate Portal. It goes deep into some of the Masonic meaning of lions and the Lion's Gate. It also discusses how all clues lead back to the Freemasons.