Let's talk about your ten hours of power! What are the ten hours of power? Every year 5 hours before and 5 hours after your actual solar return, you have a window of ten hours opening up, which is going to be crucial to determine the year ahead and the nature of the interactions you will have with others. During this time, it is of essence to eliminate any distractions, negative interactions or potential friction, which could occur by interacting with others. It would be advisable to turn off all electronic screens, shut down laptops and phones, and not even answer the doorbell, if at all possible. Even going to a store and having the possibility of a foul encounter with another customer or the clerk could actually project some difficult interactions with other people in the year ahead. I never understood the importance of the 10 hours of power up until recently (last year), when I started adhering to it and had one of the best birthdays because of it. I even turned off all electronic devices for a good 28 hours, although it is not necessary to go that far with the rules. How do you find out your true solar return? It varies every year, but if you have your exact time of birth (not just the date) and city you were born in, you can look up when your solar return will be in the upcoming year or years ahead. Cafeastrology.com offers free information and charts and so do other websites out there. Some astrology readers will include it as an add-on in their service but you can find the info readily available online. Stay tuned for an upcoming Youtube video on this matter and what to do during your ten hours of power.
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