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New! Shaman's Way Course

To walk the Shaman's path means living life in a conscious way. To meet each occurrence as a wonder and a way to teach us something new. In the core of our inner knowing, we have access to all this. We are able to come back to us, our true self, our inner power house and nature. 

"The Shaman's Way Course" is a collection of exercises, Shamanic lessons, psychic readings, which were featured in my monthly memberships over the course of six months. Obtain entry to more than 22.5 hours of content and teachings  - the absolute highlights of this community. Gain access to valuable Shamanic tools, powerful energy healing exercises, energy reports, and psychic reads on world topics and matrix matters.


The course can be completed on your own time and is structured according to each month (six months total). Join to receive the highlights of my former memberships and to start your Shamanic journey ahead. 


With each chapter / month, you receive:

  • A lesson in the form of an expansive video training on Shamanism

  • A video ceremony, guided Shamanic Journey, powerful sound healing or visualization exercise  (will vary each month)

  • A monthly energy forecast and report

  • A psychic reading on a worldly topic, matrix concept or spirituality in general (submit question)

  • Shamanic ceremonies for the equinox and solstice (two total in the course)

  • A video on a matrix topic, such as the real meaning of Samhain, climate change hoax etc. 

= 6-7 videos each month/chapter total

(22.5 hours of total content, to be completed on your own time and online)

~Laura from Shamanic Self is a certified Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. She offers potent Shamanic Healing sessions, combining a multitude of healing techniques. She also provides readings and offers her intuitive psychic insight in her sessions.

Interested in learning these things on your own? Her courses teach how to tap into your own intuition, how to become your own shaman and how to help others and more! Have a look here.

Are you inspired to learn more about other valuable spiritual concepts? Sign up for my weekly newsletter all about Shamanism, spirituality, psychic insight and more! 

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